One choice should be obvious: The Life of the World to Come by the Mountain Goats. Just a warning: some of these songs are said, especially the one about his mother-in-law dying of cancer. If you have ever lost a loved one to a terminal illness, or even just to anything you will be paralyzed with sadness after just one listen, like I sobbed on the train on the way home from my daily commute. John Darnielle is right, you sure can't brace yourself.
Read my full review up here on Crawdaddy!
And listen to the aforementioned very sad song:
tMG - Matthew 25:21.mp3
As for the other album, it's the Flaming Lips' Embryonic. It's a real doozy. SO MUCH NOISE. But good noise with a thrashing, alien-like energy. If you're looking for the melodicism of Yoshimi, look elsewhere.
Read my fuller thoughts on it here, again, on Crawdaddy!
And listen to a track too:
Flaming Lips - The Sparrow Looks Up At the Machine.mp3
Shut Up, Dude: This Week’s Best Comments
15 hours ago
1 comment:
there's a sonic tribute to yoshimi in the 4th track on embryonic. and the 5th.
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