All I ask of you is to please don't make 80's-esque album covers that immediately make me think of Garth Brooks' shirts.
Thank you. That is all.
DARKSIDE On Nothing And Everything Else
1 hour ago
If you're an artist who has a problem with this, email us and we'll remove your download link.
it's also very Paula Abdul, no?
totally. and I'm sure about 10 other albums that I'm not thinking of right now :P
More like "Y Not Use a Better Typeface"
Gararararaa there no excuse for bad album design in the world today!
Could be worse (COMIC SANS, I'm looking at you!)
and all I ask of you is to go out and buy a brain.... Ringo is awesome and you are a sad little person with only your computer to talk to. So i know you wont approve this because instructive criticism is just to mush for a hollow hear such as yours.
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