That's the rating Pitchfork is giving Animal Collective's latest album Merriweather Post Pavillion.
While MPP isn't technically released until tomorrow, I happened to spot it on sale over the weekend at Princeton Record Exchange, which just happens to be the best record store in all of New Jersey. You should have seen the college kids squealing over it. God bless independent music shops for totally disregarding proper release dates!
My Girls - Animal Collective (removed at request)
Shut Up, Dude: This Week’s Best Comments
15 hours ago
Web Sheriff
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013 / Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080
Hi Jess,
On behalf of Domino Records and Animal Collective, we would kindly ask you not to post copies of "Merriweather Post Pavillion" on your site (or any tracks from the artist’s new album – street date 20th January).
We do appreciate that you are fans of / are promoting Animal Collective, but the label and artist would greatly appreciate your co-operation in removing your links to the pirate files in question.
Thank you for respecting the artist's and label’s wishes … .. and, for info on “Merriweather Post Pavillion” and the band’s 2008/09 shows, check-out and … .. you can also view Animal Collective videos at and, for details of preview material and pre-release promotions, keep an eye on these official sources.
As you will appreciate, this e-mail is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients' accumulated, worldwide rights and remedies remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality.
With Thanks & Regards,
seeing those Freshmen (or high school) girls jump up and down with glee over the Animal Collective album filled my heart with joy and hope that we can overcome the terrible music that they play on the radio.
What do you think? Is it up there with Feels?
danny, I've only heard about half of the album so I can't judge the album as a whole, but there are DEFINITELY some tracks that rank up there with the material on Feels. It's a bit more layered and electronic-y but songs like "Lion in a Coma" and "My Girls" are amazing - you can stream the latter one here:
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